
Showing posts from 2019

voice and speech session // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

Presentation "Girgit" // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call - 7581024036, 07554055145.

Registration open // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

Final Presentation "Kaal Kothri" // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

Apply now // Diploma in screen acting // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

Yesterday session // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 758102436, 0755-4055145.

Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

Admission open // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

workshop presentation "Tana Bana" // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

MIFT Proud & Congratulations // Madhu Institute of Film and Television .// Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

Diploma in screen acting // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

yesterday acting session // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

Merry Christmas // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145

Admission Open // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

Presentation "Private Hospital" // Madhu Institute of Film and Television // Call- 7581024036, 0755-4055145.

Admission open // Diploma in screen acting // Call - 7581024036, 0755-4055145.